Hey guys 🙂
xforevax here!

OKAY! So A LOT of people have been requesting cute posters lately…and the thing is, I’m pretty bad at them. So heads up to all you cute poster requestees your poster will be more happy than cute. I don’t even know what a cute poster is supposed to look like.

SHINeegirl910 has indefinitely disappeared off the face of the Earth. She’s sick right now she can’t really do much but she hasn’t been on AFF that much so I’m trying to juggle both at the moment. SO TO ALL REQUESTEES, I am sorry! But I’ll try my best to get most of them finished!



We’ve Moved

Hi guys 🙂
xforevax here!
Because there were so many problems with the first page, I’ve started another one. Once again, if there are any problems don’t hesitate to contact me or SHINeegirl910 via our walls. Thanks, and sorry for all the inconvenience caused from the other site.